A Lament for the American Church

Their words ring out from their inlaid plinths, Rising up with urgent power, A cry escapes their lips, Words spill forth from their tongues, But all is emptiness.   Each man wants his ears tickled with promises, Each woman desires to hear ease. Nothing which requires detachment from their culture, Will be tolerated by their…

A Lethal Omnipresence

My coworkers sat beside me as the contractor’s representatives sat across the table explaining (I should probably say, “explaining away”) the nuances of their work:  why their progress was slow, why their invoicing lagged, why they needed more time to fix the problems which they themselves had created. You know … the usual stuff.  And…

Centrifugal Souls

In the past couple of years, I have to admit that I have only partially been paying attention to politics and societal “problems.”  So much of the conversation that surrounds it is so disingenuous and vapid, that any attention paid seems like a waste of time to me.  There’s nothing foundational ever considered and so…