Relief from the Legalist’s Logic Loop

One of the most difficult things for a parent is recognizing that their child is growing up and then allowing them to do something new.  There’s a time when responsibility can, and should, be handed over to the child in order to keep them growing.  But it can be hard to know enough to be comfortable.  As a parent you might begin asking…

The End of the Nightmare

We have all read in scientific books, and, indeed, in all romances, the story of the man who has forgotten his name. This man walks about the streets and can see and appreciate everything; only he cannot remember who he is. Well, every man is that man in the story. Every man has forgotten who…

A Road to Madness

(Photo courtesy of Jeremy Perkins at The other day I went to the park with my two little kids and they both found ways to amuse themselves by spinning around. This brought to mind how much I loved spinning rides as a child. Just like my kids, if given the opportunity, I’d stay on…

Not Afraid

I am not afraid. God is in control. Though in only two months our nation will hold an election for President between an egotistical moron on one side and a conniving snake of a criminal on the other. I am not afraid. God is in control. Though the less-damaging choice for President (the egotistical moron)…

A Study in Courage and Fear

How much have we lost from the ancients? I wonder that a lot. After all, because I thoroughly reject the idea that humanity is on a never-ending, can’t-be-stopped rocket of social progress, it stands to reason that knowledge and beauty could easily have been lost over the millennia of slaughter and corruption. I’ve mentioned on…