An Instinct for Worship

I stepped out of my front door this morning in order to head to work and suddenly I stopped short.  The air was very still.  This in itself was very odd because normally, where I live, wind is an ever-present.  However, it wasn’t the lack of wind which made me stop.  It was, of all things, a smell; a welcoming, honest smell.   In the darkness…

In A Mystical Moment

I always see television shows portray family trips as horrendous forays the wrong way across the river Styx.  The dad is always intent on driving as many miles a day as possible, refusing to stop for any reason other than fuel.  The mom is always lecturing the rest of the family about togetherness and/or descending…

Stillness …

Just across the street from one of the houses in which I lived while I was a boy was a small forest. It wasn’t anything spectacular, just some small (maybe twenty foot tall), broadleaf trees which grew in an L-shaped, 8-10 acre patch on two sides of the neighborhood. At its widest point it was…

I Must Cry Out

I climbed to the top of the tableland and unfolding in front of me was a vista incomprehensibly expansive. For a moment it seemed as if I stood suspended in the air as the land swept away in every direction toward a horizon that bent with the graceful arc of the earth. The suspension was…